Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->
1. Write the mechanism of the following reaction CH3CH2OH + HBr ---->
substitution reaction
CH3-CH2-OH + HBr --> CH3 - CH2 - Br + H2O
I hope its helps...
2. how is the reaction of photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis occurs in two stages. In the first stage, light-dependent reactions or light reactions capture the energy of light and use it to make the energy-storage molecules ATP and NADPH. During the second stage, the light-independent reactions use these products to capture and reduce carbon dioxide.
3. When the product of a reaction between two gases is added to water, a solution of ph7 is formed. Which could be these gases? answer.
ketika produk reaksi antara dua gas ditambahkan ke air, larutan pb7 terbentuk. yang bisa menjadi gas ini? jawab
4. Precipitation is water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow,or hail. It is the primary connection in the water cycle that provides for the delivery ofatmospheric water to the Earth. Most precipitation falls as rainThe clouds floating overhead contain water vapour and cloud droplets, which aresmall drops of condensed water. These droplets are far too small to fall as precipitationbut they are large enough to form visible clouds. Water is continually evaporating andcondensing in the sky. If you look closely at a cloud you can see some parts disappearingevaporating) while other parts are growing (condensation). Most of the condensed waterin clouds does not fall as precipitation because their downward speed is not large enoughto overcome updrafts which support the clouds. For precipitation to happen, first, tinywater droplets must condense on even tinier dust, salt, or smoke particles, which actas a nucleus. Water droplets may grow as a result of additional condensation of watervapour when the particles collide. If enough collisions occur to produce a droplet with adownward velocity which exceeds the cloud updraft speed, then it will fall out of the cloudas precipitation. This is not a trivial process, since millions of cloud droplets are required toproduce a single raindrop. A more efficient mechanism (known as the Bergeron-Findeisenprocess) for producing a precipitation-sized drop is through a process which leads to therapid growth of ice crystals at the expense of the water vapour present in a cloud. These.crystals may fall as snow, or melt and fall as rain1. the purpose of the text is
explain the types of rainfall and explain how it can happen
5. the correct equation of electrolyte ionization reaction in water is
the correct equation if electrolyte ionization reaction in water is H2 + O2 = H2O.
6. write one of the 'useful phrases' as an appropriate reaction to each of the following events from the script.
In making an appropriate response or reaction, you need to look carefully at the expression or sentences used as well as its tone, whether it is meant to be humorous or serious one. Then, you can respond it in a creative way too, instead of just ordinary ones so long as appropriate. Here's the possible phrases to respond
- The cruel king has threatened to invade!
(Really? Then we'd better prepare ourselves. for normal reaction)
(What else is new? He's just bluffing. for unusual reaction)
- We are still alive; the soldiers are gone!
(Then we shall pray for them. They have fought bravely to protect us. (normal reaction)
(That's rather ironic for them. They should've been alive instead of us, who aren't trained for war. (uncommon reaction)
- The riddle is solved!
(At last! after a while - normal)
(Are you kidding me? what took you so long to solve such easy riddle - uncommon )
- We need a drum that sounds when nobody beats it!
(Such is impossible! - normal)
(Really? are you still in wonderland? - uncommon sardonic)
- Will the paper drum with the bee work?
(Huh, I don't get it - normal as it's unclear in meaning)
Kelas: SMP
Mapel: English
Kategori: expression and response
7. ammonia sulfate is the product from the reaction between ammonia and sulfuric acid.write down the chemical formula of substances involed in the reaction
Ammonium sulfate : (NH₄)₂SO₄
Ammonia : NH₃
Sulfuric acid : H₂SO₄
Reaction :
2NH₃ + H₂SO₄ --> (NH₄)₂SO₄ (balanced)
8. Read the questions carefully.note down your opinions and reactions to the questions.during the discussion with your teacher and classmates offer your personal reaction and understanding of the text
Bacalah pertanyaan dengan saksama. Catatlah pendapat dan reaksi Anda terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut. Selama diskusi dengan guru dan teman sekelas Anda menawarkan reaksi dan pemahaman pribadi Anda terhadap teks
9. Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....
Among the following compounds, the most active electrophilic addition reaction is .....
Jawaban:- Nuclear
10. 28. Which does NOT change with time for a first-order reaction? (A) the amount of reactant that disappears in each half- life (B) the concentration of the reactant (C) the length of each half-life (D) the rate of the reaction
Pada reaksi order pertama yang tidak mengalami perubahan adalah :
C. The length of each half-life
Reaksi orde pertama adalah reaksi dalam orde menetap, laju reaksi berbanding lurus dengan konsentrasi salah satu reaktan. Reaksi orde pertama sering memiliki bentuk umum A → produk. Tingkat diferensial untuk reaksi orde pertama adalah sebagai berikut:
Jika konsentrasi A digandakan, laju reaksi menjadi dua kali lipat, jika konsentrasi A dinaikkan dengan faktor 10, laju reaksi meningkat dengan faktor 10, dan seterusnya. Karena satuan laju reaksi selalu mol per liter per detik, satuan konstanta laju orde pertama adalah detik timbal balik (s−1). Hukum laju terintegrasi untuk reaksi orde pertama dapat ditulis dalam dua cara yang berbeda: satu menggunakan eksponen dan satu menggunakan logaritma. Ingat bahwa hukum laju terintegrasi memberikan hubungan antara konsentrasi reaktan dan waktu.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi laju reaksi orde pertama pada link berikut :
11. Precipitation and Its Variations Rain is one type of precipitation or natural phenomena where water falls from the clouds in various forms. Precipitation is a part of water cycle that begins from droplets of water. It occurs when the droplets of water which have the size bigger that 0.5 mm fall from the clouds. Precipitation happens when the water falls from the clouds in the form of water or droplets like rain, and it can also be in other forms such as hail and snow. Precipitation comes from vaporized water that is brought by the wind and formed clouds. When it hits mountainous area or when the density becomes very high, the vaporized water drops into a rainfall. When the size of the droplets is about 0.2mm - 0.45mm, it is called drizzle. The differences of precipitation are caused by various factors such as temperature and climate. the topic of the text is... A. When water droplets with the size around 0.2-0.45mm fall from the clouds B. When water droplets smaller than 0.5mm fall from the clouds C.What is precipitation and its varied forms D. When the precipitation happens E. When the droplets of water vapor in the air
The answer is C. What is precipitation and its varied forms
12. the combustion reaction of 12.0 mg of a monocarboxylic acid, which contains only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, gave 17,6 mg of CO2 and 7,20 mg of H2O. the compositional formula of the compound is ??
CxHyOz + O₂ ⇒ CO₂ + H₂O
massa C dalam CO₂
[tex]C= \frac{Ar.C}{Mr.CO_{2} }.massa CO_{2} \\ = \frac{12}{44}.17,6 \\ =4,8mg [/tex]
massa H dalam H₂O
[tex]H= \frac{2.Ar.H}{Mr.H_{2}O }.massa H_{2}O \\ = \frac{2}{18}.7,2 \\ =0,8mg [/tex]
kan monocarboxylic acid nya 12 mg
massa C + massa H + massa O = 12
4,8 + 0,8 + massa O = 12
massa O = 6,4 mg
C : H : O
massa C/Ar C : massa H/Ar H : massa O/Ar O
[tex] \frac{4,8}{12} : \frac{0,8}{1} : \frac{6,4}{16} \\ 0,4 : 0,8 : 0,4 \\ 1:2:1 [/tex]
compositional formulanya CH₂O
13. what is the formula to calculate rate of reaction?
if you calculated for chemestry for reaction you must be know is formula of mole ,molaritas and valensi of ionic atom.
14. A. what is antonym of permissionB.what was jemmy,s reaction C.what did he say D.what is synonym of Reaction
15. The rule of anticipated reactions
"Hukum reaksi yang diantisipasi". Hukum ini diuji dengan memanipulasi keyakinan secara eksperimental tentang "reaksi" individu yang lebih kuat terhadap upaya untuk mengubah jaringan komunikasi terpusat.
The rule of anticipated reactions atau dalam Bahasa Indonesia adalah "Hukum reaksi yang diantisipasi".
Dikarenakan cara bonus dialokasikan, jaringan ini menjadi penyebab ketidaksetaraan besar dalam alokasi hadiah. Subyek diberitahu bahwa menurut pengalaman masa lalu, individu di pusat jaringan seperti itu lebih suka mereka daripada jaringan alternatif dan "hampir selalu", "sekitar separuh waktu", atau "hampir tidak pernah" menggunakan kekuatan yang telah diberikan eksperimen ke pusat. untuk mengontrol sepenuhnya alokasi hadiah untuk menghukum upaya untuk mengubah jaringan. Manipulasi ini tidak sempurna; subjek dalam kondisi "hampir selalu" melaporkan pada kuesioner pasca-sesi bahwa mereka sebenarnya mengharapkan hukuman untuk upaya perubahan hanya "sekitar separuh waktu."
Namun demikian, upaya perubahan berbanding terbalik dengan kemungkinan hukuman yang dirasakan, meskipun ada insentif yang kuat untuk mengenakan biaya dan cara yang sah untuk melakukannya, dan meskipun konfederasi eksperimental di pusat tidak pernah secara terbuka menyatakan preferensi apa pun, menuntut kepatuhan apa pun, menjanjikan imbalan apa pun, atau mengancam hukuman apa pun.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Pelajari lebih lanjut materi terkait Anticipations Reactions pada link berikut ini https://brainly.co.id/tugas/51139374
#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ1
16. Tolong artikan semuanya ke bahasa indonesia1. Studies the rate at which a chemical process occurs.2. Besides information about the speed at which reactions occur, kinetics also sheds light on the reaction mechanism (exactly how the reaction occurs).3. Lichens living on rock often secrete a mixture of simple, weak organic acids that slowly react with minerals to produce complex metal–organic materials, which give the lichens some protection from invasive microorganisms4. As the concentration of reactants increases, so does the likelihood that reactant molecules will collide.5. At higher temperatures, reactant molecules have more kinetic energy, move faster, and collide more often and with greater energy.6. Speed rxn by changing mechanism.7. Rates of reactions can be determined by monitoring the change in concentration of either reactants or products as a function of time. [A] vs t 8. In this reaction, the concentration of butyl chloride, C4H9Cl, was measured at various times, "T"9. The average rate of the reaction over each interval is the change in concentration divided by the change in time:10. Note that the average rate decreases as the reaction proceeds.11. This is because as the reaction goes forward, there are fewer collisions between reactant molecules.12. A plot of concentration vs. time for this reaction yields a curve like this.13. The slope of a line tangent to the curve at any point is the instantaneous rate at that time.14. The reaction slows down with time because the concentration of the reactants decreases.15. In this reaction, the ratio of C4H9Cl to C4H9OH is 1:1.16. Thus, the rate of disappearance of C4H9Cl is the same as the rate of appearance of C4H9OH.17. What if the ratio is not 1:1?18. Only 1/2 HI is made for each H2 used.19. Each reaction has its own equation that gives its rate as a function of reactant concentrations.20. This is called its Rate LawTo determine the rate law we measure the rate at different starting concentrations.
1. Pelajari tingkat di mana proses kimia terjadi. 2. Selain informasi tentang kecepatan di mana reaksi terjadi, kinetika juga menyoroti mekanisme reaksi (tepatnya bagaimana reaksi terjadi). 3. Lumut yang hidup di batu sering mengeluarkan campuran asam organik sederhana dan lemah yang perlahan-lahan bereaksi dengan mineral untuk menghasilkan bahan logam-organik kompleks, yang memberikan lumut lichen perlindungan dari mikroorganisme invasif. 4. Saat konsentrasi reaktan meningkat, begitu pula kemungkinan bahwa molekul reaktan akan bertabrakan. 5. Pada suhu yang lebih tinggi, molekul reaktan memiliki lebih banyak energi kinetik, bergerak lebih cepat, dan bertabrakan lebih sering dan dengan energi yang lebih besar. 6. Kecepatan rxn dengan mengubah mekanisme. 7. Tingkat reaksi dapat ditentukan dengan memantau perubahan konsentrasi reaktan atau produk sebagai fungsi waktu. [A] vs t 8. Dalam reaksi ini, konsentrasi butil klorida, C4H9Cl, diukur pada berbagai waktu, "T" 9. Tingkat rata-rata reaksi atas setiap interval adalah perubahan konsentrasi dibagi dengan perubahan waktu: 10. Perhatikan bahwa tingkat rata-rata menurun saat reaksi berlangsung. 11. Ini karena ketika reaksi berlanjut, ada lebih sedikit tabrakan antara molekul reaktan. 12. Sebidang konsentrasi vs waktu untuk reaksi ini menghasilkan kurva seperti ini. 13. Kemiringan garis yang bersinggungan dengan kurva di titik mana pun merupakan tingkat seketika pada waktu itu. 14. Reaksi melambat seiring waktu karena konsentrasi reaktan menurun. 15. Dalam reaksi ini, rasio C4H9Cl ke C4H9OH adalah 1: 1. 16. Dengan demikian, tingkat penghilangan C4H9Cl sama dengan tingkat penampilan C4H9OH. 17. Bagaimana jika rasionya tidak 1: 1? 18. Hanya 1/2 HI yang dibuat untuk setiap H2 yang digunakan. 19. Setiap reaksi memiliki persamaannya sendiri yang memberikan laju sebagai fungsi konsentrasi reaktan. 20. Ini disebut Hukum Laju Untuk menentukan hukum laju kita mengukur tingkat pada konsentrasi awal yang berbeda.
17. Which of the following statements is true of all enzymes ? (A) all enzymes are denatured at 60C and higher (B) the active sites of all enzymes can only bind to only one type of substrate (C) all enzymes lower the activation energy of the reaction (D) all enzymes catalyze the degradation of large molecules into smaller moieties
kalo yang A itu engga mungkin. soalnya, enzim udah pasti terdenaturasi pada suhu 40°C, yang mana suhu tersebut merupakan suhu maksimal dari seluruh enzim.
yang B itu bener. balik lagi ke konsep kinerja enzim yang menjelaskan bahwa enzim itu bekerja secara spesifik, yang artinya dia hanya bisa berikatan pada satu tipe substrat saja. dan ini berlaku untuk semua enzim.
kalo C itu, bener. dia menurunkan energi aktivasi dari sebuah reaksi, sehingga hal tersebut dapat memudahkan reaksi dan menghemat energi yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai aktivasi.
kalo yg D itu bener juga. enzim bekerja untuk mengkatalisis degrdasi molekul besar ke molekul kecil. seperti memecah molekul pati dan protein menjadi lebih kecil agar dapat diserap oleh usus.
menurutku, itu soalnya minta pernyataan yang tidak benar mengingat dari ketiga opsi jawaban di bawahnya itu benar semua terkecuali opsi pada pilihan A.
Tapi, kalau ngikutin pertanyaan yang ada, ya opsi B lebih cocok dari opsi lainnya. :))
semoga membantu :D
18. If the mass is found as following = Copper : 0,52g H2O : 0,245g Chloride : 23.872g Calculate the empirical formula of substance in the reaction.
gangerti kak aku juga bingung
19. What is your reaction after reading the story' the legend of batu begaung?
there is experience in the story
ada pengalaman dalam cerita more active in reading semakin giat dalam membaca
oh ya maaf saya jawab nya agak ngasal
20. 85. What is the passage about?(A) Things got their energy from the sun.(B) Tracing the origins of energy.(C) Tracing the source of energy.(D) Nuclear energy will run out.(E) Nuclear reaction.86.The correct energy chain described in the text is ...(A) nuclear energy-sun - animal - plant.(B) nuclear reactions - sun- plant - animal.(C) plant - sun - animal - nuclear reactions.(D) nuclear reactions - animal - sun - plant.(E) plant - animal - sun - nuclear reactions.
85. A
86. B
85. Dia menanyakan penjelasan tentang apakah itu.
86. Di teks itu dia menjelaskan tentang energi nuklir matahari yang membuat matahari tetap bersinar, dan tumbuhan yang menggunakan sinar matahari untuk berfotosintesis, serta hewan yang ikut memakan tumbuhan.
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