Which Salt Is Least Soluble In Water At 20 C

Which Salt Is Least Soluble In Water At 20 C

In a solution that contains salt and waterWater is the ....Salt is the ....​

Daftar Isi

1. In a solution that contains salt and waterWater is the ....Salt is the ....​


Water ia the tasteless

salt ia the salty

2. describe how you can obtain salt from a mixture of salt and sugar ( note sugar is soluble in ethanol but salt is insoluble in ethanol)


by adding ethanol to the mixture.

sugar will disappear because sugar is soluble in ethanol

therefore the salt will stay


3. 8. Which ingreadients is NOT needed? A. Salt B. Sugar C. Water D. Honey​


C. water


maaf kalau salah

4. Solar energy is used to produce salt from salt water. In solar evaporation, brines are placed in large open shallow ponds or pans from which water evaporates. The brines become concentrated, and crystallization occurs. After all the water is driven off, the salt is harvested mechanically. Solar evaporation, an 5 ancient art, now is a large-scale industrial process. Solar energy is also used to produce drinkable water from salt water. In the most common solar still brines are put in black pans that have transparent sloping covers made of glass or plastic. Solar energy enters through the cover and is absorbed in the basin. The absorbed solar energy evaporates water from the brine, leaving salt water in the basin. The water vapor rises inside the still and comes in contact with the cover, where it condenses. The fresh water runs down the sloping underside of the cover to collection troughs at the edges of the cover and then goes to a storage tank, ready for use. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A. Two Uses of Solar Energy B. How Solar Energy Produces Fresh Water from Salt Water C. The Process of Producing Salt from Salt Water D. How Solar Energy Is Used as an Ancient Arts to Generate Fresh Water E. How The Absorbed Solar Energy Evaporates Water from The Brine


Penjelasan:The text explain how to produce salt using salt water with solar energy

5. Spoken soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes


Terjemahan Indonesia:

Dikatakan, Rendam beras dalam air setidaknya 30 menit

6. find at least five different forms which you may use in your daily life

present tense

simple past tense

future tense

past continuous

present perfect

7. Arti soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes


Soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes Artinya : Rendamberasdalamairsetidaknyaselama30menit

8. Write a paragraph which is containing passive voice at least 15 sentences!​


Lala back to house and see her mother is cooking in the kitchen. Suddenly lala feels so upset because of the can't help her mother to cook. her hand was beaten by the her friend dog. she remember that her mother tell her not to go out for today. after opening the door, slowly lala goes to the her room. she hears her mom get cough and it sounds so hurt for lala of knowing her mom looks tired. finally Rina comes to her mother and begging apologize of the mistake she has done that day. Mom looks at Rina and smile, she looks so proud. Mom says: "i am so proud of you, lala"

9. a scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in the water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the dependent variable is a) the temperature of the water b) the amount of salt in water c) the number of plants in the water d) the water

c. the number of plants in the water

10. Rhea has two identical saucers of water. One of them has water and the other has salt water. Without touching the saucers of the water. She wants to find out which one contains the salt water. She places both saucers at her window sill for two days. How will this help her to find out which saucer has the salt water?


Rhea memiliki dua piring air yang identik. Salah satunya memiliki air dan yang lainnya memiliki air asin. Tanpa menyentuh panci air. Dia ingin mencari tahu mana yang mengandung air asin. Dia menempatkan kedua piring di ambang jendela selama dua hari. Bagaimana ini akan membantunya mengetahui piring mana yang memiliki air asin?


Semoga Membantu

11. To make orange juice, you have tomix ... in the blender. A. water, sugar, orange B. water, orange, salt C. water, orange, salt, sugar D. orange, salt, sugar​

A. water sugar orange

A. Water, sugar, orange

==> biasanya, komposisi jus jeruk adalah air, gula, dan jeruk itu sendiri. Garam tdk dibutuhkan

12. Questions 1. From which hole does the water shoot out with the greatesest force? How can you tell? 2. From which hole does the water shoot out with the least force? 3. The force with which water shoots out from a hole increases as the liquid pressure acting on the water at that point increases. At which hole is the liquid pressure (a) the greatest? ...(b) the least? Conclusion Liquid pressure is greater at... than at... and.... As depth increases, liquid pressure...​



The greatest force is in the small cross-sectional area, while the smallest force is in the large cross-sectional area

it can be seen in the equation F = P/A

I don't give you a conclusion because maybe that question have a picture

13. 1. In a .......... you cannot see any particles of the solid that has dissolved ? a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water 2. A salt and ............. mixture is a solution ? a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water 3. When a solid liquid ............. in a liquid, we can no longger see the solid ? a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water 4. A .......... solid forms a solution when mixed with water ? a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water 5. A solid that does not dissolve in its solvent is ............ ? a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water 6. The solid part that dissolves in a liquid is the ........ ? a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water 7. The liquid in wich the solute dissolves is called the ........... a). dissolves b). soluble c). solute d). solution e). solvent f). three g). water !!!

1.has dissolved ?

a). dissolves

b). soluble

c). solute

d). solution√

e). solvent

f). three

g). water

2. A salt and ............. mixture is a solution ?

a). dissolves

b). soluble√

c). solute

d). solution

e). solvent

f). three

g). water

3. When a solid liquid ............. in a liquid, we can no longger see the solid ?

a). dissolves

b). soluble

c). solute

d). solution

e). solvent

f). three√

g). water

4. A .......... solid forms a solution when mixed with water ?

a). dissolves

b). soluble

c). solute

d). solution

e). solvent

f). three√

g). water

5. A solid that does not dissolve in its solvent is ............ ?

a). dissolves

b). soluble

c). solute

d). solution

e). solvent √

f). three

g). water

6. The solid part that dissolves in a liquid is the ........ ?

a). dissolves

b). soluble

c). solute

d). solution

e). solvent √

f). three

g). water

7. The liquid in wich the solute dissolves is called the ...........

a). dissolves

b). soluble

c). solute

d). solution

e). solvent

f). three

g). water√

14. Soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes. ​


Rendam beras dalam air setidaknya selama 30 menit.

15. find at least five different forms which you can find in your daily life

menemukan setidaknya lima bentuk yang dapat anda temukan di kehidupn anda sehari hari.

16. Which transfers the most energy to sound from the following statement? electrons flowing through a wire b. a raindrop falling salt dissolving in water c. Salt dissolving in water d. a string vibrating c. logs​




ngga tau cuma tau dari translate

pasti salah maaf yaa

17. find at least five different forms which you may use in your daily life​

Jawaban, penjelasan:

Temukan setidaknya 5 bentuk yang berbeda dimana mungkin kamu gunakan di kehidupan sehari-hari

18. soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes​


Translate In Indonesia is : "rendam beras dgn air minimal 30 menit"


i hope it helps

19. ............ has little or no salt in it.fresh waterocean salt water sea level​



Terjemahan Soal: .... memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada garam.

Maka yang memiliki sedikit atau tidak ada garam dari pilihan jawaban adalah ocean atau artinya laut. Terkadang air yang tidak memiliki rasa asin/garam adalah air tawar, Sedangkan air yang sedikit garam adalah air laut. Jika menjawab fresh water, tidak mungkin ada rasa sedikit asin/tidak karena air tersebut segar atau bersih.

SemogaBermanfaatdan Membantu :)

20. soak the rice in water at least for 30 minutes

rendam beras nya di dalam air selama 30 menitrendam nasi selama 30 menit

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