Non goal directed Wandering May Indicate That The Resident Is

Non goal directed Wandering May Indicate That The Resident Is

Perbedaan Resident dan non resident

1. Perbedaan Resident dan non resident


resident, diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris, yg berarti "penduduk/sekelompok orang yg hidup di tempat tertentu".


dgn demikian, berarti, yg dimaksud non resident berarti "tanpa penduduk", non diterjemahkan dari bahasa latin (Yunani), yg berarti "tidak/tanpa".

sedangkan, resident, sendiri berarti "penduduk", terdapat/ada penduduknya di suatu tempat.

2. "May I introduce myself?" What does the Statement indicate?​


The statement indicate about: ask word,

Answer :
the statement indicates that they want to introduce themself to you/us.

3. to whom is the letter directed

kepada siapa adalah surat yang ditujukanartinya : kepada siapa surat tersebut ditujukan?

4. What is the goal of the text?​


1. What is the goal of the text?

Answer: to Teach the people who read the text how to use a camera.

2. How many steps are there?

Answer: There are 5 steps to using the camera.

5. What is the goal of the experiment​

A successful study or find satisfying results

6. what is the goal of the letter?

To tell mr ahmad that arina can attend his class because her grandmother passed away and she have to go to her grand mother village

7. What is the goal of the letter?

dimana bacaan/dialognya?

8. Apa Arti is the goal of the text

Tujuan teks tersebut adalah?
Apakah tujuan teks tersebuttujuan teks tersebut adalah.

9. what is the goal of the text?

apa tujuan dari text tersebut? apa tujuan dari teks tersebut

10. What is the goal of the experiment


apa tujuan dari pengalaman

11. the false idea that the author may hold about dockside green is that

i don't know


12. Arti to whom is the letter di rected

untuk siapa surat ini di kirim

#maaf kalau salah ARTINYA :

kepada siapa surat itu diarahkan.

13. apa arti what is goal ia the ​


apa tujuan ia itu


arti dari what is goal ia the adalah apa tujuan ia itu


Apa tujuan itu


Arti dari what is goal ia the adalah apa tujuan itu

14. Tara:whose dictionary is that? Ria:that is may dictionary, from the dialog above,we know that the dictionary is....


Ria's Dictiornary, because she say its her dictionary

15. what is the goal of the advertisement ?

apa tujuan dari iklannya? People or strangers if you will need to know that you have a product or service to sell you can door to door and tell them you sell XYZ or whatever. Or you can hire a sign-man to print up a billboard and advertise you and your product to everyone on the interstate or put up a website on the Internet and sell your product to the world. 

The more people that see your add and buy the more money you make hopefully you make more than the ad cost.

semoga bermanfaat friends

16. the goal of recipe is...​

The goal of recipe is start as the main idea of a procedural text.

so that people know and are not wrong in making something food or drink

17. What is the goal of the next​


Goal of the next adalah tujuan berikutnya


kalau kamu udh mencapai goal yg pertama, kamu bisa ambil goal berikutnya.

18. the notice indicate that someone...tolong ya

can't soliciting.....?

19. what is the goal of the next?


Goal of the next adalah tujuan berikutnya


kalau kamu udh mencapai goal yg pertama, kamu bisa ambil goal berikutnya.

20. Why is rendy worried that may fail the national examination


because Rendy have many rival (national grade)


Mengapa rendy khawatir yang mungkin gagal dalam ujian nasional itu artinya


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