What Is The Difference Written In Scientific Notation 0 00067

What Is The Difference Written In Scientific Notation 0 00067

The scientific notation of kg is

Daftar Isi

1. The scientific notation of kg is


0,6 x 10^-25


Kalkulator gw ngebug

2. What is the difference betwen 12 hour notation 24 hour notation??? JAWABNYA PAKE BAHASA INGGRIS YA​


The 12-hour clock runs from 1am to 12 noon and then from 1pm to 12 midnight. The 24-hour clock uses the numbers 00:00 to 23:59 (midnight is 00:00). At this point, they learn to tell the time to the hour and half hour.


Waktu 12 jam berjalan dari jam 1 pagi hingga 12 siang dan kemudian dari jam 1 siang hingga 12 tengah malam. Jam 24 jam menggunakan angka 00:00 hingga 23:59 (tengah malam 00:00). Pada titik ini, mereka belajar menentukan waktu menjadi satu setengah jam.



In 24-hour notation, 12.00pm equals 24.00 o'clock. Unlike the 12-hour notation, specifying a sign with 24-hour notation does not use the information morning, noon, or night,

3. the difference between a temperature written in degrees Fahrenheit is 72°. a. what is the temperature in degree celcius?b. what is the temperature in degree fahrenheit?

a. what is the temperature in degree celcius

4. What is the difference of is and are in good sentece​





5. express the following numbers in scientific notation a.22,400 d.0,0000862 g.299,793

Notasi Ilmiah

Hi, Agussuryani76! Masih ingat apa itu definisi ilmiah?

Notasi ilmiah adalah cara penulisan bilangan yang memiliki nilai terlalu besar atau kecil agar mudah ditulis dalam notasi desimal standar. Bentuk umum penulisan bilangan dalam notasi ilmiah yaitu:

[tex]a \times 10^x[/tex]        

dengan x adalah bilangan bulat dan a adalah bilangan real yang lebih besar dari 0 dan lebih kecil dari 10

Pembahasan22,400 = 2,24 x 100,0000862 = 8,62 x 10⁻⁵299,793 = 2,99793 x 10²


Pelajari Lebih LanjutNotasi ilmiah Bilangan 0,000 000 022157 di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/982824Notasi ilmiah  bilangan 0,0000066715 di https://brainly.co.id/tugas/8519697
Detail JawabanKelas: VIIMata Pelajaran: MatematikaBab: 2 - BilanganKode: 07.02.02

Kata Kunci: Notasi Ilmiah, Bilangan Besar, Bilangan Kecil

6. What is the text in the picture written for


the text in the picture is written to clarify the reader about what is conveyed/expressed/indicated by the picture


mff klau slh yya

jadiin jawaban tercerdas yya!

7. what is the difference between conversations in the hospital and conversations in the supermarket


Saya tidak tahu karena soalnya tidak jelas....

semoga bermanfaat

8. Arti dari what is the congratulation expression written in the card


apa ungkapan selamat yang tertulis di kartu

9. What is the difference between next to and in the right?????

next to = disamping
in the right = di kanan Perbedaannya adalah
Next to berarti disamping, sedangkan in the ringht berarti di sebelah kanan

10. express 18.340.000 in scientific notation,correctto two decimal places

18.340.000=1,83 x 10^7

11. What is the text in the Conversation written for​


The goal is to bring works and stories to life.


Dialogue is often found in short stories or novels. The goal is to bring works and stories to life. Without dialogue, it tastes like vegetables without salt. It must be so boring.


12. what is the steps in scientific investigation

ada penelitian kayak gitu lah pokoknya,maaf ya kalau salah      ...........................................................

13. Write down in the scientific notation.a. 47,000,000,000b. 957, 000,000,000,000,000c. 0.000000016d. 0. 000000012352. Convert to the decimal notation.a. 7  10-9 b. 1,362  108 c. 4,02  10-5 d. 7,89  10Write down in the scientific notation.a. 47,000,000,000b. 957, 000,000,000,000,000c. 0.000000016d. 0. 00000001235 ​


Semoga dapat membantu ya

14. express the following numbers in scientific notation a.22,400 d.0,0000862 g.299,793

a. 22,400 = 2,24 x 10⁻⁴

b. 0,0000862 = 8,62 x 10⁻⁵

c. 299,793 = 2,99793 x 10²

15. 1.what is the text in the picture about2.what is the text in the picture written for


1.It is about leave taking/parting.

2.it is for saying good bye to other when you leave.

16. what is the difference "don't " and "no " in giving prohibition?

pada dasarnya sama, cuman kalo don't untuk misal kalimatnya "don't give the animal food" kalau no, kalimatnya jadi "no feed the animal"kalo "no"belakangnya ada ing nya,contoh:No smokking
kalo "don't"belakangnya tidak ada ing nya,contoh:Don't smoke

17. what is the difference between spoken and written procedural text​


Spoken usually takes place in immediate interaction with known listeners, with the availability of immediate feedback.

A written text is usually organized and carefully formulated, since its composer has time and opportunity to edit it before making it available for reading.

18. 1.what is the text in the picture about 2.what is the text in the picture written for


1. conversation of a teacher and student

2. farewell greetings

19. What is the difference of eukaryotic and prokaryotic in genetic ?


Eukaryotic cells have a cell nucleus, while prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus and cell membrane. Reporting from Live Science, prokaryotic cells store their DNA in the nucleoid and float freely within the cell. While the DNA of eukaryotic cells is stored neatly in the nucleus of the cell.


Sel eukariotik memiliki inti sel, sedangkan sel prokariotik tidak memiliki inti dan membran inti sel. Dilansir dari Live Science, sel prokariotik menyimpan DNA nya didalam nukeloid dan mengambang bebas didalam sel. Sedangkan DNA sel eukariotik tersimpan secara rapi di dalam inti sel

20. What 19 is the teks in the conversation written for? ​


artinya :

19 teks dalam percakapan itu ditulis untuk apa?

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