How Many Tablespoons Of Butter Is 3/4 Cup

How Many Tablespoons Of Butter Is 3/4 Cup

1 How many table spoon is in a stick of butter

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1. 1 How many table spoon is in a stick of butter

i don't know ,maybe 3 spoons

2. many sugar do we need to make a cup of coffe? many coffee do we need to make a cup of coffee?3.what is the last step to make a cup of coffee?4.what is the purpose of the text?5.what must we do before serve the coffee?bantu jawab please:)​

1. A sponful of sugar.
2. A teaspoon of coffee.
3. Stir the mixture for a few moment.
4. Fill in the cup with boiling water.
5. Stir the mixture for a moment.

3. 1) How much is one serving of beans?2) How many calories are in one serving of beans? 3) How many calories from fat are in one serving of beans? 4) Find the percentage of calories from fat in these beans5) How many calories are in one cup of beans?​


1. 128 gram

2. 120

3. 20

4. 20%

5. 120

4. Fill in the blanks with how much / how manyHow much1. How2. how3. how4. how5. how6. howsugar is there?bars of chocolate did Mum buy?milk do you need for the cake?glasses of water did you drink?lumps of sugar do you put in your coffee?slices of pizza did he eat?rice did you prepare?butter is there in the fridge?7. how8. how​

jawaban :

1.) How much

2.) How many

3.) How much

4.) How many

5.) How many

6.) How many

7.) How much

8.) How much


1. How much sugar is there?

2. How much bars of chocolate did Mum buy?

3. How much milk do you need for the cake?

4. How much glasses of water did you drink?

5. How much lumps of sugar do you put in ykur coffee

6. How many slices of pizza did he eat?

7. How much rice did you prepare?

8. How much butter is there in the fridge?

5. Norah uses an ounce of butter to make 9 cookies. how many cookies can she bake with 8 ounces of butter?


72 cookies

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Butter. cookies

1 ounce. 9 cookies

8 ounces. x cookies

1/8 = 9/x

x = (8 x 9)/1

x = 72

6. how much/how many butter do you need?​


how much many butter do you need




“Many” berarti jumlah yang banyak untuk suatu benda, dan selalu digunakan dengan kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable nouns). Untuk kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung (non-countable nouns), maka kita menggunakan “much”.

Maka jawabannya how much

7. coffee - a - cup - is - mother-of-drinking The correct arrangement is .... a. mother is drinking a cup of coffee. b. mother is drinking a coffee of cup. c. mother is drinking coffee a cup of. d. mother is drinking cup of a coffee.​


a.Mother - is - drinking - a-cup- of- coffee

moon maaf kalo salah✨


jawaban nya D. mother is drink cup of a coffee

8. what is the capital of egypt ? what is the capital of jordan ? how to make a cup of tea ? how to cook some instant noodles ?

the capital of jordan is 'J' karena yang ditanya capital = huruf kapital bukannya capital citythe capital of egypt : kairo
the capital of jordan : amman

9. The text is for questions number 42 and 43.MAKING LEMONADEIngredients:2 tablespoons of lemon juice2 tablespoons of sugar1 glass of waterDirections:1. Slice a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a cup.2. Take out the seed.3. Pour two tablespoons of juice into glass.4. Add sugar.5. Pour water and stir well.6. Put it in ice cubes.42. How much sugar is needed?​


42. two tablespoons of sugar

10. How many spoons of sugar must we provide to make a cup of coffee

3 tablespoons or suit one's taste

11. 2. Mrs. Tayo uses 80 gr of flour for every 10 gr of butter to bake a cake.a. How many gr of flours will she need if she uses 80 gr of butter?b. How many gr of butter will she need if she uses 480 gr of flour?​


Setiap, 80gr tepung menggunakan 10gr butter

a. banyak tepung jika menggunakan 80gr butter

= 80gr tepung × ( 80gr butter ÷ 10gr butter)

= 80gr tepung × 8

= 160gr tepung


banyak butter jika menggunakan 480gr tepung

= (480gr tepung ÷ 80gr tepung) × 10gr butter

= 6 × 10

= 60gr butter

12. 1 How Many butter or margarin is needed to make Apple pudding


1 berapa banyak mentega atau margarin yg di butuhkan untuk membuat puding apel


semoga benar

13. French Toast (roti bakar)Ingredients:6 slices bread2 eggs3 cup milk-teaspoon cinnamonteaspoon vanilla2 tablespoons butterSteps:1. Beat together eggs, milk cinnamon, and vanilla2. Use butter or non stick spray to coat the surface so toast does not stick3. Dunk each slice of bread in egg mixture until soaked4. Place sealed bread to pan and cook until golden brown on each side5. Top each slice with butter.1. Whats is the main ingredient of the recipe?2. How many eggs and butter do you need?3. What is the first step of the recipe?4. What should we do after spreading the bread with butter?5. What is the last step of the recipe?​

1. Bread
2. Eggs And 2 Tablespoon of butter
3. Beat bether eggs, milk, cinnamon, and vannila
4. Dunk each slice of bread to pan and cook until golden brown
5. Top each slice with butter

14. Rosalina will make cake. She must prepare flour and butter in a ratio of 4: 5. If the flour used is 200 grams, how many grams of butter should be prepared?

Semoga bisa membantu

15. terjemahan how many cup of self rising fluor to make novel apple padding

berapa banyak tepung untuk membuat pie apel

seberapa banyak tepung untuk membuat pie apel

maaf kalo salah

16. how many sugar do we need to make a cup of coffee?​


Just suite on your taste


Well if you like sweetness the you should put maybe 2 or 3 spoon.

But if you didn't like to much sweetness you can add maybe 1 spoon.

17. Wati will make a cake. She must prepare flour and butter in a ratio of 4: 5. If the flour used is 200 grams, how many grams of butter should be prepared? Tolong ya guys.. thanks.

[tex] \frac{5}{4} \times 200 \: grams = 250 \: grams[/tex]

Royale Solution

Hi kakak, soal yang kakak tanyakan berbasis pada perbandingan senilai. berikut pembahasannya yaa...

Translation (bagi yang tdkpaham bhsInggris)

Wati akan membuat kue. Ia harus menyiapkan tepung dan mentega dengan rasio 4:5 . jika tepung yang digunakan 200 gram. berapa gram mentega yang harus dipersiapkan ?


Untuk memudahkan, tepung saya ganti a dan mentega saya ganti dengan b.

a : b = 4 : 5

a = 200 gr


b = ? gr


4 : 5 = 200 : b - KALIKAN SILANG

5 × 200 = 4b

1000 = 4b

1000/4 = b

250 gr = b

Jadi,mentega yang harus dipersiapkan adalah 250 gram.

So, the amount of butter should be prepared is 250 grams.

Semoga membantu !

18. how many coffee do we need to make a cup of​




semoga membantu :))

19. sally pours 3 4/7 liters of milk from jug equally into 35 cups. how many liters the amount of milk in each cup?


5/49 liters/cup

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

3 4/7 liters : 35 cups = 5/49 liters/cup

20. Danny buy two packs of butter, each pack is 800 grams. how many kg all of John's cakes? *a. 0b. 1c. 2d. 1,6​


800 x 2

1.600 gram : 1.000

1.6 Kg

Semoga membantu..

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