What Is One Convention Pueblo Women Traditionally Use In Pottery making

What Is One Convention Pueblo Women Traditionally Use In Pottery making

What greeting is used in the convention? ​

Daftar Isi

1. What greeting is used in the convention? ​


salam kepal 'Bronx'


fighting !


- Greeting  expressions

:: Greeting expressions are  used to greet others  

*Ungkapan ‘Greetings’ digunakan untuk menyapa.

- Hi

- Hello

- Good morning

- Good afternoon

- Good evening

- How are you?

- How do you do?

- How are you doin?

- How is life?

- You should know!

- Good Morning

: 00.01 WIB to 13.00 WIB

- Good Afternoon

: 13.00 wib – 17.00 WIB

- Good Evening

: 17.00 WIB – 24.00 WIB/Sleep


Ketika kamu ingin menyampaikan sapa di jam jam tertentu, misalkan sapaan malam. Akan lebih baik ketika tidak memakai sapaan "Good Night" karena sapaan itu deperuntukan untuk orang yang akan tidur, jadi lebih baik menggunakan "Good Evening".

2. Apa ada yang tau alasan dari contoh passive voice seperti ini : "batik" making is traditionally made by women either at home ar in a small workshop.. tolong kasih tau dengan jawaban bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia

The reason of above passive voice is the using of phrasal subject itself. Phrasal subject is the subject in form of "phrase" or subject that consist of more than one words example "Batik making", if we translate the phrase the meaning will be "the process to make batik". Then the rest of the sentence are grammatically correct.

alasan pasif di atas adalah ia menggunakan subjek dalam bentuk frasa. Subjek dalam bentuk frasa adalah subjek yang terdiri dari dua kata contohnya Making batik jika di terjemahkan artinya "prosess pembuatan batik" Seterusnya kalimat setelah itu kalimatnya udah benar dilihat dari tata bahasa Inggris.

3. what is the last step in making ​

add some of the soup
semoga benerThe last step is :

Drain all the water, deep fry it. And add some of the soup.

4. 21. Fino's mother is an artist. What does shepossibly do?A. selling goodsB. growing plantsC. sewing clothesD. making pottery​


C. sewing clothes

Hope it is useful:)


5. there are two women in the picture. one is ann. ..... is sara


And the another one


And the another one is sara. Yang artinya "Dan yang lainnya adalah sara"

6. 1. What is the first step in making fried rice?​


prepare materi


sorry if wrong

prepare the ingredients and the appliances

7. 3. What is the last step in making this food?Answer:​

I don't see any steps here...

8. She is one of the ten best dressed women in village. Really?

Dia adalah satu dari sepuluh wanita berpakaian terbaik di desa Sangat?

9. artinya what expression is use in the dialogs

ekspresi apa yang dipakai dialog ini

10. what is the frist step in making the salad?​




Procedure text on how to make a salad

=>First, Mix lots of fruit such as apples, guava, mango, melon, or other fruits to your liking. Mix everything then cut into slices, cut neatly as you wish

=>Second, then mix in the milk, mayonnaise, and grated cheese to add a sweet and delicious taste to the salad.

=> Third, mix everything and then take enough water, and pour it like a sauce if you don't want to be okay, after that the salad is ready to be served.



=> Pertama, Campurkan banyak buah-buahan seperti apel, jambu biji, mangga, melon, atau buah-buahan lain yang Kamu sukai. Campur semuanya lalu potong-potong, potong rapi sesuai keinginan


=> Kedua, lalu campurkan susu, mayonaise, dan keju parut untuk menambah rasa manis dan lezat pada salad.

=> Ketiga, campur semuanya lalu ambil air secukupnya, dan tuangkan seperti saus jika tidak mau tidakapa², setelah itu salad siap disajikan.

••||√||√||{semoga membantu}||√||√||••

11. what is the tenses use in the descriptive text ?


Simple present tense


maaf kalo salah


Apa tenses yang digunakan dalam teks deskriptif?

Penjelasan: maaf jika salah

12. what the tenses that use in this sentences1. what is the text about?2. which one is true about the jellyfish based on the text?3. some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their ownlightsebutkan tenses masing masing kalimat diatas​


Simple present tense

Penjelasan: semua nya begitu

13. artinya what is the first step in making creole onion soup


Apa langkah pertama dalam memasak sup bawang Creole (orang kulit putih).

14. terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesiapottery id an items Made from traditionally Made soil​


Tembikar atau gerabah adalah item atau barang yang terbuat dari tanah yang dibuat secara tradisional


semoga membantu

15. Which one is your mother ? The women ... the red hot over there is my mother. A. In B. With C. Use D. Wear E. By

A. In

Bukan use atau wear karena dalam suatu kalimat tidak boleh ada 2 verb (di kalimat itu sudah ada 'is' yg merupakan verb) kecuali ada yang memisah 2 verb itu seperti and

Maaf kalau salah

16. Probably,What is the boxer use to avoid injury in the part of head and the other one

The boxer use a helmet to avoid injury in the part of head

17. 3.What is the main ingredient in making sandwich?​


Bread (roti)


Dalam pembuatan sandwich bahan pokok yang utama yaitu roti.




Karena dalam membuat sandwich kita membutuhkan roti

18. ubalah kalimat pasif dibawah ini menjadi kalimat aktif 1.batik making is traditionally made by women 2.the design is outlined on the piece cloth in pencil or charcoal 3.molten wax is the applied by using canting

1. women traditionally make batik making.
2. they outline the design on the piece cloth in pencil or charcoal.
3. they apply the molten wax by using canting.

19. who is in the picture? what are you making? what are you doing?


siapa yang ada di gambar?

kau membuat apa?

apa yang kamu lakukan?


siapa yang ada digambar?

apa yang kamu buat?

apa yang kamu lakukan?

20. What is the summary of little women in 200 words

apa ringkasan wanita kecil dalam 200 kata

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