Why Do Cowboys Have So Much Trouble With Math

Why Do Cowboys Have So Much Trouble With Math

Why do advertisers spend so much money putting commercials on children's TV shows when children have so little money?

Daftar Isi

1. Why do advertisers spend so much money putting commercials on children's TV shows when children have so little money?


children will ask they parents to buy!


there is no children buy anything while the have no money! they will ask their parents


because almost all prents will buy anything that what their children wants

2. when we want to ask about timetables, you may use expressions *what time does the class start?what subject do you like?Why do you like english so much?Do you have math schedule?​


Do you have math schedule


jika diartikan satu-satu jawabannya maka

what time does the class start?

translate : jam berapa kelas dimulai?

what subject do you like?

translate : pelajaran/subjek apa yang kamu suka?

Why do you like english so much?

translate : mengapa kamu sangat suka bahasa Inggris?

Do you have math schedule?

translate : apa kamu punya jadwal matematika?

jika diprhatikan, jawaban yang paling sinkron dengan soalnya adalah jawaban terakhir yaitu Do you have math schedule?

hope this is helpful^^

3. What you want your friends have to do with lyrics by like'world so much you want

appreciate it maaf kalo salah

4. I'm very tired and i have so much to do. I wish i. So tired ?.


In Indonesia is: Aku sangat lelah dan aku ingin melakukan banyak hal.aku berharap aku tdk lelah

5. “Sir, I have trouble with my stomach. ……… my hands?”​

Here is the example of Yes/No question:

Sir, I have trouble with my stomach. Is it because I didn’t wash my hands?

Tuan, saya memiliki masalah dengan perut saya. Apakah ini karena saya tidak mencuci tangan saya?


Interrogative sentence atau kalimat tanya merupakan kalimat daam bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menanyakan sesuatu hal kepada seseorang. Dalam bahasa Inggris interrogative sentence atau kaimat tanya dibagi menjadi beberapa macam, yaitu:

Yes/No question

Jenis kalimat tanya Yes/No question ini biasanya menggunakan kata kerja bantu (can, may, must, will, shall, should, could, might, do, have, be) dan diikuti oleh subjek. Contoh:  Is she happy? (Apakah dia bahagia?), Am I wrong? (Apakah aku salah?)

WH question

Jenis kalimat tanya WH question ini biasanya diawali dengan katan 5W+1H atau what, when, where, which, why, who dan how. Contoh: Which dress is the best? (Gaun manakkah yang terbaik?), What did he bring? (Apa yang dia bawa?)

Question tag

Jenis kalimat question tag ini merupakan kalimat tanya yang berfungsi untuk bertanya agar si pendengar memberikan penegasannya. Contoh: He is a fire fighter, isn’t he? (Dia seorang pemadam kebakaran, bukan?), They have married, haven’t they? (Mereka sudah menikah, kan?)

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang yes/no question brainly.co.id/tugas/30131524Materi tentang WH question brainly.co.id/tugas/195892Materi tentang question tag brainly.co.id/tugas/623200

Detail jawaban

Kelas: X (Sepuluh)

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: -

Kode: -

#AyoBelajar #SPJ2

6. when do we have math ​


Artinya :

kapan kita ada pelajaran matematika


Sorry if wrong

7. why don't you join us to do math homework?​


mengapa kamu tidak bergabung dengan kami untuk mengerjakan PR matematika?

8. Answer the following questions using adverb clause of cause of reason beginning with 'because"! 1. Why is she sad? 2. Why are your clotes dirty? 3. Why do you not answer my questions? 4.Why do you drink so much water? 5. Why does she never believe?

1. Because she lost her puppies
2. Because I had been playing in the mud
3. Because I don't know the answers
4. Because it keeps u hydrated and healthy
5. Because she had been lied to

9. how much experience do you have eith computers? do you like working with them?

I have so much experience with my lovely computer because I was began to use it since I was kid. I love working with my computer because it's so helpful, I am glad I have an useful device like that

10. Answer the following questions using adverb clause of cause of reason beginning with 'because"! 1. Why is she sad? 2. Why are your clotes dirty? 3. Why do you not answer my questions? 4.Why do you drink so much water? 5. Why does she never believe?

1. Because her mother is sick and was brought to the hospital.
2. Because I was playing in the dirt earlier
3. Because I didn't heard the question
4. Because I am thirsty
5. Because she is feeling sad and is gong through a hard time.

semoga membantu! ^^ maaf jika ada yg salah1. she sad because she hurt her finger
2. my clothes are dirty because i didn't wash it
3. i don't answer your questions because i don't know
4. i drink so much water because i'm so thirsty
5. she never believe because she's afraid if the man lie to her

11. which sentence is not corretdo you have much friendsdo you have any petsdo you have any informationdo you have much sugar​

do you have much friends isn't correct. It must be "do you have many friends"

Do you have much friends.

Much untuk uncountable noun

Contoh do you have much money?


Do you have many friends?

12. 1.... pencils do you have? a. Why b. How many c. How much d. How​


berapa banyak pensil yang kamu miliki?


b.how many,pencils do you have?

13. why does france strike so much ?


The strikes are against government plans to remove 42 “special” pension schemes and switch to a universal points-based pension system for all workers, public and private. The finer details of the reforms are still unclear, but the direction points towards workers having to work for longer, with less generous pensions when they retire.

The reform would mean pensions are based on a career average rather than a final salary calculation, as it currently is. And workers would have to accumulate a number of points (based on time worked) in order to start taking their pension


Stay at home.

14. what things do you like so much dan what things do you have artiny​


Benda Apakah Yang Sangat Kau Sukai Dan Apakah Benda Nya Kau Punya?


hal apa yang sangat kamu sukai dan hal apa yang kamu miliki

15. I like nature so much, especially mountain. That's why I usually ............ with my friends.​




Mungkin jawaban itu


go to the mountain


maaf kalo salah kalaubenar tolong follow dan jadikan jawaban terbaik ya

16. Like their meals so much I do too.It is satisfying to have dinner in this restaurant.


Seperti makanan mereka begitu banyak yang saya lakukan juga. Sangat memuaskan untuk makan malam di restoran ini.


17. Why do you think there is so much garbage or rubbish around us?

Because many people throw litter and worse on the river ... in the river there is a lot of garbage that can endanger the population because it can make a flooding in there.

Answer:Because many people throw litter

Maaf kalo salah

18. do you have much money

i don't have even a penny in my pocket, so i cannot lend u any money, sorry mate.

19. im so done with math pls help​


luas ∆ABC=1/2 a.t




===============#I HOPE THIS HELPS

20. How much ....... do you have?​



Pertanyaan lu kurang jelas!

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