How did the war begin
1. How did the war begin
How did the war begin?
(Bagaimana peperangan itu dimulai?)
2. How did the diponegoro war begin
the diponegoro war began 1825 - 1830m ago
3. the effort was fruitless without helpa. the effortb. the effort wasc. was fruitlessd. fruitless withoute. without help
C. was fruitless , karena was digunakan untuk hal yang sudah lewat
C . was fruitless.
semoga bermanfaat
4. how did feel when she know that afgan war coming to town
bagaimana rasanya ketika dia tahu bahwa perang afgan datang ke kota
maaf klo salah:)
5. When did the aceh war star
The Aceh War was the war of the Sultanate of Aceh against the Dutch starting in 1873 until 1904.
Pada tanggal 6 April 1873, Pasukan Pendarat melakukan pengintaian ke wilayah Aceh. Dua hari kemudian barulah pasukan Belanda turun ke pantai Aceh. Menjejakkan kaki mereka pertama kali di Bumi Aceh untuk memulai satu perang yang tak pernah mereka alami sebelumnya. Belanda mendarat di Pantai Aceh dengan membawa rombongan besar. Mereka mengirimkan tiga ribu orang. Sekitar seribu orang tamtama dan bintara Eropa dan 118 orang perwira. Pasukan tersebut terdiri dari empat batalyon, yaitu Batalyon ke-3, Batalyon ke-9, Batalyon ke-12 dan satu Batalyon Madura
6. When did the aceh war star
The Aceh – Dutch War or abbreviated as the Aceh War was the war of the Sultanate of Aceh against the Netherlands starting in 1873 until 1904. The Sultanate of Aceh surrendered in January 1904, but the resistance of the people of Aceh with guerrilla warfare continued.
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7. how many countries participated in the war in world war ii ?
More than 100 million people from 30 nations participated in the war, resulting in anywhere from 70 million to 85 million civilian and military casualties
maaf ya kalau salah
8. Why did Dayang Sumbi ask the women to punck the grain ?
Because dayang sumbi doesn’t want sangkuriang to fullfill his duty
9. How did the writer feel when she knew that afghan war coming to town
The writer felt a sense of dread, knowing that the war in Afghanistan was coming to her town. She was anxious about the potential for violence and destruction that could come with it, as well as the many lives that could be lost as a result.
10. 1.who is the main character of the story? 2.what is the relationship between the man and the women? did the women test the man's willingness? did the man respond to the women's challange? 5.what did the man finally do in the end?
1. Who is the main character of the story?
Jawaban:The main character of the story is a good-looking man with a sturdy appearance.
2. What is the relationship between the man and the women?
Jawaban:The man fell in love with a girl from different country. The other woman is the girl's twin sister.
3. How did the women test the man's willingness?
Jawaban:She appeared at the man's front door. She challenged him to choose and chase the right horse-drawn carriage. One of the carriage was carried her and the other carried her twin.
4. How did the man respond to the women's challenge?
Jawaban:He couldn't say a word. He thought he was dreaming.
5. What did the man finally do in the end?
Jawaban: He just stood there at the moment and murmured, "What should i do?"
PembahasanDalam menjawab pertanyaan berbasis narrative text (teks dongeng bahasa Inggris), kita tentu harus mengetahui inti ceritanya terlebih dahulu. Cara mudah untuk mengetahui inti cerita berbahasa Inggris adalah dengan mencari elemen-elemen 5W+1H di dalamnya.
What (apa): perhatikan unsur peristiwa yang terjadi (what happened). Unsur "apa" di dalam cerita ini adalah mengenai seorang laki-laki yang jatuh cinta pada gadis dari kota lain.Where (dimana): perhatikan nama tempat dan lokasi yang terkandung dalam cerita. Unsur "where" dalam cerita ini adalah di sebuah wilayah kerajaan. Karena ada kata King's lottery event di sana.When (kapan): perhatikan kalimat yang menyebutkan waktu. Dalam cerita ini disebutkan once upon a time. Pada umumnya, cerita dongeng memiliki latar waktu sejenis dengan pada suatu hari (once upon a time).Why (kenapa): perhatikan kalimat-kalimat yang berbunyi seperti penjelasan. Pada cerita tersebut kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa si gadis sengaja menguji sang pria untuk mengetahui seberapa dalam perasaan cinta pria itu kepadanya.Who (siapa): ini adalah unsur yang paling mudah ditemukan. Perhatikan nama-nama tokoh dalam cerita. Jika tidak ada nama, maka temukan kata ganti panggilan seperti a boy, a girl, an old man, a baker, dan sejenisnya.How (bagaimana): untuk menemukan unsur ini, kita harus memahami bagaimana alur ceritanya berjalan. Karena jawaban yang dituntut dari pertanyaan "bagaimana" membutuhkan penjelasan yang kompleks dan runtut.Pelajari lebih lanjut1. Materi tentang dongeng Malin Kundang berbahasa Inggris beserta artinya:
2. Materi tentang moral value dalam narrative text:
3. Materi tentang ciri-ciri narrative text:
Detail jawabanKelas:8
Mapel:Bahasa Inggris
Bab:Narrative(telling story in the past)
11. The dutch wanted to a road passing through the prince's property. How did Prince diponegoro feel about it? How long did the diponegoro war last? Approximately how many years was diponegoro in exile?
Diponegoro War which is also known as the Java War (English: The Java War, Netherlands: De Java Oorlog is a great war and lasted for five years (1825-1830) on the island of Java, the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). the biggest battle ever experienced by the Dutch during his occupation in the archipelago, involved Dutch forces under the leadership of General Hendrik Merkus de Kock [7] who tried to reduce the resistance of the Javanese population under the leadership of Prince Diponegoro. while the Dutch casualties numbered 8,000 Dutch troops and 7,000 indigenous soldiers, the end of the war confirmed Dutch control over Java. [8]
Diponegoro War
Painting of the Arrest of Prince Diponegoro by Nicolaas Pieneman Date 1825-1830 LocationJawaHasilPangeran Diponegorodibuang went to Makassar; [1] rebellion endedParty involved Netherlands
Pro-Dutch Javanese Pro Pro-Prince Diponegoro
The Chinese Army and the leader of General De Kock Prince DiponegoroKuatan strength 50,000,000,000 European Soldiers:
~ 8,000
Javanese Soldiers:
7,000 [2] 20,000 died in war [3] Militia and civilians:
200,000 fatalities [2] [4] [5] [6]
Contrary to the war led by Raden Ronggo about 15 years earlier, the Javanese forces also placed the Chinese community in Java as the target of the attack. However, even though Prince Diponegoro explicitly forbade his troops to ally themselves with the Chinese community, some Javanese troops on the north coast (around Rembang and Lasem) received assistance from the local Chinese population who were on average Muslim. [8]
Diponegoro War which is also known as the Java War (English: The Java War, Netherlands: De Java Oorlog is a great war and lasted for five years (1825-1830) on the island of Java, the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). the biggest battle ever experienced by the Dutch during his occupation in the archipelago, involved Dutch forces under the leadership of General Hendrik Merkus de Kock [7] who tried to reduce the resistance of the Javanese population under the leadership of Prince Diponegoro. while the Dutch casualties numbered 8,000 Dutch troops and 7,000 indigenous soldiers, the end of the war confirmed Dutch control over Java. [8]
Diponegoro War
Painting of the Arrest of Prince Diponegoro by Nicolaas Pieneman Date 1825-1830 LocationJawaHasilPangeran Diponegorodibuang went to Makassar; [1] rebellion endedParty involved Netherlands
Pro-Dutch Javanese Pro Pro-Prince Diponegoro
The Chinese Army and the leader of General De Kock Prince DiponegoroKuatan strength 50,000,000,000 European Soldiers:
~ 8,000
Javanese Soldiers:
7,000 [2] 20,000 died in war [3] Militia and civilians:
200,000 fatalities [2] [4] [5] [6]
Contrary to the war led by Raden Ronggo about 15 years earlier, the Javanese forces also placed the Chinese community in Java as the target of the attack. However, even though Prince Diponegoro explicitly forbade his troops to ally themselves with the Chinese community, some Javanese troops on the north coast (around Rembang and Lasem) received assistance from the local Chinese population who were on average Muslim. [8]
12. how did andre maginot experience in world war 1 influence his decision to push for the maginot line?
Early years, to World War I
Maginot was born in Paris, but spent part of his youth in Alsace-Lorraine, a region where the Maginot Line would later be constructed. After taking the civil service exam in 1897, Maginot began a career in the French bureaucracy that would last the rest of his life. He worked as the assistant of the Governor-General in Algeria until 1910, when he resigned and began his political career. He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies that year and served as Under-Secretary of State for War prior to the outbreak of World War I in 1914.
When the war began, Maginot enlisted in the army and was posted along the Lorraine front. In November 1914, Maginot (by now promoted to sergeant for his "coolness and courage") was wounded in the leg near Verdun (he would walk with a limp for the rest of his life). For extreme valor, he was awarded the Médaille militaire. He was also a fencer
13. when did the Diponegoro War happenapa arti indonesia nya
kapan terjadinya perang diponegoro
when did the Diponegoro War happen
kapan terjadinya perang diponegoro
Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Jermanik yang pertama kali dituturkan di Inggris pada Abad Pertengahan Awal dan saat ini merupakan bahasa yang paling umum digunakan di seluruh dunia.
14. why did the first Gulf War take place ?
British excepted responsibility for Kuwait's deference and foreign affairskarena
1. adanya revolusi islam iran (the islamic revolution of iran)
2. antara bangsa arab dan persia ada persaingan dan ketegangan (beetwen arab and persia there is competition and tension )
3. masalah minoritas etnis (ethnic minority issues)
4. ada keinginan antara iran dan iran menguasai shatt al arab (there is a desire beetwen iran and irak to master shatt al arab
15. When did the aceh war start
The war of day began in 1873 until 1904 where the empire of aceh against the Netherlands took place about 31 years.
semoga membantu ya:)
The war started at 1873 until 1904.It started when the empire of Aceh against the Netherland’s.The war occured diring 31 years
16. Terjemahan Where did the the diponegoro war took place
Dimana perang Diponegoro berlangsung
17. In which year did the gulf war occur ?
James VII of Scotland, while still Duke of Albany, was said to have played the first international golf contest in 1681 when he participated in a game against two English courtiers as part of a bet over rights to claim the game for Scotland or England.
Answer : 1681
The Gulf War was a war waged by coalition forces from 35 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait arising from oil pricing and production disputes.
I hope this helps
make the best answer :)
18. A .Why did prince diponegoro have firm stance against thr dutch? B. Did the dutch impose economimc bill to the indonesian people .What was it? C. How did the war begin? D. Explain the war strategy applied by diponegoro! E? Hoedid the dutch beat diponegoro?
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Junior Dany Wibisono
Sebuah wadah penampungan berbentuk kubus telah terisi minyak yang bagian. Jika volume minyak dalam wadah tersebut 13,5 liter, pernyataan berikut yang benar adalah... (Jawaban lebih dari satu)
O Tinggi minyak dalam wadah tersebut adalah 15 cm.
O Tinggi minyak dalam wadah tersebut adalah 30 cm.
O Luas alas wadah tersebut adalah 225 cm².
O Luas alas wadah tersebut adalah 900 cm².
O Luas alas wadah tersebut adalah 900 cm².
Junior Dany Wibisono
A .Why did prince diponegoro have firm stance against thr dutch? B. Did the dutch impose economimc bill to the indonesian people .What was it? C. How did the war begin? D. Explain the war strategy applied by diponegoro! E? Hoedid the dutch beat diponegoro?
A. Prince Diponegoro had a firm stance against the Dutch because he saw them as colonizers who were trying to take control of Java and its resources. He believed that the Dutch were attempting to exploit the Indonesian people for their own gain.
B. The Dutch imposed several economic bills on the Indonesian people, including the Cultivation System, which forced farmers to grow cash crops for export, and the Monopoly System, which gave the Dutch control over the production and sale of certain goods.
C. The war began in 1825, when Diponegoro, who was a leader of the Javanese people, led a rebellion against the Dutch colonial government.
D. Diponegoro's war strategy was to use guerrilla tactics, such as ambushes and hit-and-run attacks, to wear down the Dutch forces. He also tried to unite various ethnic groups in Java to fight against the Dutch.
E. The Dutch ultimately defeated Diponegoro by using a combination of military force and diplomacy. They sent a large number of troops to Java and also made alliances with some of the Javanese leaders. Additionally, they were able to capture Diponegoro in 1830, which marked the end of the war.
19. A .Why did prince diponegoro have firm stance against thr dutch? B. Did the dutch impose economimc bill to the indonesian people .What was it? C. How did the war begin? D. Explain the war strategy applied by diponegoro! E? Hoedid the dutch beat diponegoro?
A.Mengapa Pangeran Diponegoro bersikap tegas terhadap belanda?
B.Apakah Belanda membebankan tagihan economimc kepada rakyat Indonesia. Apa itu?
C. Bagaimana perang dimulai?
D. Jelaskan strategi perang yang diterapkan oleh diponegoro!
E? Hoedid kalahkan Belanda diponegoro?
20. when did the Aceh war Start?
The Aceh – Dutch War or abbreviated as the Aceh War was the war of the Sultanate of Aceh against the Netherlands starting in 1873 until 1904. The Sultanate of Aceh surrendered in January 1904, but the resistance of the people of Aceh with guerrilla warfare continued.
semoga benar ya:)
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