Which of the following conditions tends to increase the size of a population??
1. Which of the following conditions tends to increase the size of a population??
Yes or no, yes..........
2. Which of the following offsite information processing facility conditions would cause an IS auditor the GREATEST concern
soalnya agak gelas. tapi, ini sama yang kayak dibuku adekk ku
Which of the following offsite information processing facility conditions would cause an IS auditor the GREATEST concern?
A. Company name is clearly visible on the facility.
B. The facility is located outside city limits from the originating city.
C. The facility does not have any windows.
D. The facility entrance is located in the back of the building rather than the front.
Correct answer is Apenjelasan:
The offsite facility should not be easily identified from the outside. Signs identifying the company and the contents of the facility should not be present. This is to prevent intentional sabotage of the offsite facility should the destruction of the originating site be from malicious attack. The offsite facility should not be subject to the same natural disaster that affected the originating site. The offsite facility must also be secured and controlled just as the originating site. This includes adequate physical access controls such as locked doors, no windows and human surveillance.
Which of the following offsite information processing facility conditions would cause an IS auditor the GREATEST concern
Manakah dari kondisi fasilitas pemrosesan informasi luar lokasi berikut yang akan menyebabkan auditor IS menjadi perhatian TERBESAR
Itu artinya, semoga bermanfaat jawabannya ☺️
3. What is the meaning of reproduction?
Reproduksi adalah salah satu dari ciri-ciri makhluk hidup. Dilansir dari Encyclopedia Britannica, reproduksi adalah proses dimana organisme memperbanyak diri yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan kelangsungnya hidup spesiesnya.
semoga membantu
4. describe the conditions of oxyhaemoglobin decomposes into haemoglobin
menggambarkan kondisi oksihemoglobin yang terurai menjadi hemoglobin
5. Where does the process of generative plant reproduction occurs?
In the process of fertilization and pollination
Di dalam proses pembuahan dan penyerbukan.
6. Which structure is responsible for reproduction in angiosperms?
Conclusion: Flowers and fruit, two unique reproductive systems, are responsible for angiosperms' success. The flower's purpose is to ensure pollination. Flowers also shield the developing embryo and ovule inside the receptacle.
7. The continuous efforts of the management to add to the service and multiply the comforts of the (McAlpin), have found their reward in the ever increasing favors which the hotel favors. Based on the text, the word continuously means? A. Persistent B. On going C. Eternal D. Never ending
B. On going (terus menerus)A. Persistent ( gigih)
Jadi upaya yang gigih mendapatkan reward (penghargaan)
Maaf kalo salah
8. What is the meaning of reproduction?
Reproduction is a biological process for an individual to produce a new individual. Reproduction is a basic self-defense of all forms of life by the forerunners of each individual organism for the next generation
Reproduction is the process by which organisms reproduce with the aim of maintaining the survival of their species
semoga jawaban Pipi bermanfaat
maaf kalau pipi salah:)
9. what is the meaning of the caption of Albert Einstein?"I never teach my pupil I only provide the conditions in which they can learn"
Apa arti caption Albert Einstein?
"Saya tidak pernah mengajar murid saya, saya hanya memberikan kondisi di mana mereka dapat belajar"
Terima Kasih semoga membantu :)
1. Berusahalah untuk tidak menjadi manusia yang berhasil tapi berusahalah menjadi manusia yang berguna
2. Beri nilai dari usahanya jangan dari hasilnya. Baru kita bisa mengerti kehidupan.
3. Seni tertinggi guru adalah untuk membangun kegembiraan dalam ekspresi kreatif dan pengetahuan.
4. Keindahan persahabatan adalah bahwa kamu tahu kepada siapa kamu dapat mempercayakan rahasia.
5. Janganlah mencoba menjadi orang sukses. Jadilah orang yang bernilai.
6. Yang benar-benar menarik bagi saya adalah apakah Tuhan punya pilihan dalam penciptaan Dunia.
7. Jika Anda tidak dapat menjelaskan sesuatu hal secara sederhana, itu artinya Anda belum cukup paham.
8. Anda tidak dapat secara bersamaan mencegah dan bersiap untuk perang.
9. Imajinasi anda adalah wahana dari atraksi kehidupan anda dimasa mendatang.
10. Semakin hukum matematika menunjukkan realitas, menjadi semakin tidak pasti; semakin pasti, semakin tidak menunjukkan realitas.
maaf kalo salah
10. Answer the following questions.What is the dialog about?How does the speaker ask about one's conditionHow does the speaker stake one's conditionswhen should we ast about one's conditionswhat is the purpose of asting about ona's constionsThe following are the expressions of asking aberst ons bekorgarcondition
mana dialog nya?
difoto aja buku paket nya, biar saya bisa liat dialognya
11. Please write 3 animals reproduction in generative way! Give the examples of the animals for each.
tolong tulis reproduksi 3 hewan secara generatif! Berikan contoh hewan untuk masing-masing.
ini artinya b.inggris
semoga bermanfaat
12. describe the conditions of haemoglobin changes into oxyhaemoglobin
Answer: Explanation: When concentration of oxygen is high, haemoglobin will combine with oxygen chemically to form oxyhaemoglobin which is unstable.
May be useful
13. apakah kalimat "the lower temperature reduces the reproduction rate of bacteria and prolongs the lifetime of the food" merupakan simple present tense ?
iya, karena setelah subjek di ikuti verb 1 lalu ada s lalu di ikuti objek
Iya, karena semua verb di kutipan itu menggunakan tipe V1 (present)
14. what are the conditions for the axistence of good?
artinya:apa syarat menjadi asisten yg baik??
maaf kalo salah jawabannya yahh kak
15. The knowledge of reproduction in plants can be put to good use for
pengetahuan tentang reproduksi pada tumbuhan dapat di manfaatkan dengan baik untuk
16. the conditions – how – of - ? – do – the city Susun jadi kalimat yang benar
How do the conditions of the city?
17. Apa arti dari proverb "Fortune favors the bold." ?
Arti dari proverbnya adalah orang yang hidup dengan berani menjalani tujuan akan lebih sukses dibandingkan dengan orang yang hidup di jalur aman.
salam GCX
18. Reproduction without fertilization of the sperm cell and ovum is called................reproduction
Vegetative I dont know for sure, but i think that's the answer
19. 3. Which of the following conditions tends to increase the size of a population ? (the right one of the following option) a. births exceed deaths b. population size exceeds the carrying capacity c. movements out of an area exceed movements into the area d. severe drought please ya... gak tau bhs ing
b. population size exceeds the carrying capacity
A.birth exceeds death
20. Describe the political, economic and social conditions which contributed to the birth of the Renaissance in Italy?
Feudalism was a political-social and economic system that gave political and military power to the landed elite and which tied the majority of the population to this elite.The collapse of feudalism led to the release of social forces that led to the Renaissance.
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