What Is 25 Of $250

What Is 25 Of $250

What is 40% of 250? a. 100 b. 75 c. 50 d. 25

Daftar Isi

1. What is 40% of 250? a. 100 b. 75 c. 50 d. 25


a. 100

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

250 x 40/100



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

40% x 250

40/100 x 250

0,4 x 250

= 100

2. The following text is for questions 11 to 13.PARAMEXEach tablet contains :PropifenasonParacetamolDekslorfeniramina MaleatKofeinaDosageAdults and children over 12 : 2 - 3 daily 1 tablet150 mg250 mg1 mg50 mgIndicationTo relieve headaches and toothache11. What is the purpose of the text?A. To give detail information about a product.B. To persuade people to buy the productC. To explain the function of the productD. To describe the illnesses that can be cured12. How many gram of paracetamol is contained in the product?A. 250 gB. 25 g.C. 2.5 gD. 0.25 g.13. "...to relieve headaches and toothache...."The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....A easeB. saveC. remove.D. increase​






karna saya lupa Bu pak insyallah bakalan benar dan blm di pelajari secara dalam dan isi nya insyallah benan

3. Answer these question correctly Daily value not established Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten SUPPLEMENTS FACTS _________________________ Serving size: 1 tablet Servings per container: 30 Amount of serving % Daily value Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mg Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mg Citrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg Rutin* 25 mg Hesperidin* 25 mg Rose hips* 125 mg Acerola* 5 mg 1. What is the purpose of the text? 2. This product contains no artificial …” The word “artificial” in the sentence means …. 3. How does you drink the tablet ? 4. How many servings suggestion? 5. What kind of product is it ?


Jawab pertanyaan ini dengan benar Nilai harian tidak ditetapkan Penggunaan yang disarankan: 1 tablet setelah makan Produk ini tidak mengandung pewarna, perasa, pengawet, susu, telur, gula buatan, pelarut kimiawi, pati atau gluten. FAKTA SUPLEMEN _________________________ Ukuran porsi: 1 tablet Porsi per kontainer: 30 Jumlah porsi% Nilai harian Vitamin C (sebagai kalsium askorbat non-asam) 250 mg 416,67 mg Kalsium (sebagai kalsium askorbat) 50 mg 7,14 mg Citrus bioflavonoid * 50 mg Rutin * 25 mg Hesperidin * 25 mg Rose hips * 125 mg Acerola * 5 mg 1. Apa tujuan dari teks tersebut? 2. Produk ini tidak mengandung buatan… ”Kata“ buatan ”dalam kalimat tersebut berarti…. 3. Bagaimana Anda meminum tablet? 4. Berapa porsi saran? 5. Produk apa itu?

# cuma bisa mengartikan

4. READING SECTION Read the following news to answer questions number 1 until 4. Jakarta: The Indonesian Government has announced the implementation of one price cooking oil at Rp14,000 per liter nationwide. "The adjustment period for traditional markets is no later than one week from the effective date, ”Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said as quoted from the Ministry’s official website, Wednesday. In line with the previous policy, the Indonesian Government has ensured the public to buy cooking oil at an affordable price, namely Rp14,000 per liter, in the package of one liter, two liters, five liters, and 25 liters. "We have decided to use funding support from the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) amounting to Rp7.6 trillion to subsidize the price gap of cooking oil," Airlangga said. The Indonesian Government will provide 250 million liters of cooking oil with special price per month for six months and it will continue to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the policy at least once a month. Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in January had ordered his ranks to ensure the cooking oil price remain affordable for the public despite skyrocketing world CPO price. "The needs of the people are the Government’s main priority. The price of cooking oil must remain affordable. Minister of Trade can carry out market operations again to keep the price under control if necessary," President Jokowi remarked. What is the news about?


The article is about the implementation of one price cooking oil at Rp14,000 per liter nationwide.

5. ofThe following text is for questions 21 to 23.Suplement FactsServing size: 1 tabletServing percontainer : 30AmountVit. C (nonacidic% Dailycalcium ascortabate)servingvalueMg.416,67250 mg 416,67Calcium (ascalcium 50 mg 7,14ascorbate)Citrus bioflavonoid 50 mgRutin25 mgHesperidin25 mgRose hips125 mgAcerola5 mgDirectieBeatamediumeggs. Sinto Gm4 сир гif you dBake acerter isFor best24. HowA. 225. TheAhB. hC.D.26. ArraHow(1)(2)Daily value not established suggested use:1 tablet after mealThis product contains no artificial color, flavorspresentatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent.starch or gluten21. What is the purpose of the text?A. To describe a product for adultB. To tell the value of supplementC. To advertise a supplement for a womanD. To give detailed information about thesupplement22. This product contains no artificial ..."The word "artificial" in the sentencemeans...A. inexpensive C. originalB. unnaturalD. pure23. How many tablets can someone take aftermeal?A. I tabletC. 3 tabletsB. 2 tabletsD. 4 tablets​


21. D to give detailed information

22. B unnatural

23. A 1 after meal

6. Task 6Read the label below and answer the questions!onsbleCHOCOLATE MILKNutrition FactsServing Size1cup (240mL)Amount Per ServingCalorias 210Calories from Fat 70% Dally Values12%25%Total Fat 8gSaturated Fat 59Trans Fat ogCholosterol OmgSodlum 35mgTotal Carbohydrate 279Dietary Fiber <1gSugars 25gProtein 8g0%1%9%0%Questions:1. What label is it?Answer:.2. What is the label about?Answer:3. How much calories is it per serving?Answer:4. Does the chocolate milk contain trans fat?Answer:5. How much sugar does the product contain?Answer:6. What vitamins does the milk contain?Answer:7.What is the purpose of the label above?Answer:16%Vitamin A 4%Vitamin C 4%Calcium 30%Iron 2%Vitamin D 15%* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diel Your DailyValues may be higher or lower depending on your calorio needs.Calories 2.000 2500Total FatLess than 659809Sat FatLess than209259CholesterolLess than 300mg 300mgSodiumLess than 2400mg 2400mgTotal Carbohydrate300g 3759Dietary Fiber25030gAnti-CorruptionEducation​


Chocolate milk

Nutritions Facts


No it doesn't

25 g


To give an information about the product

sorry klo slh:)


1. Chocolate milk

2. Nutrition fact

3. 210

4. Yes, the chocolate milk contain trans fat

5. 25 gram

6. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D

7. To know the nutrition of Chocolate milk

7. How to Make OnigiriRice Ingredients250 grams of rice25grams of glutinous600ml of chicken stock1/2 teaspoon of soy sauce1 teaspoon oyster sauce3/4 teaspoon of salt1/2 teaspoon of sugarContent Ingredients100 grams cob, steamed, andshredded2 tablespoons of chili sauceMaterial of Eggs1 egg1/8 teaspoon of pepper powder1/8 teaspoon of saltSupplementary Material1 cucumber, seeded, and cut into smallsquares1 sheet nori and cut into 2 x 6 cm25 grams of garlic, roasted, andpeeledSteps1. Mix the rice and glutinous. Simmerthe broth and salt. Enter mix rice andglutinous. Cook while stirring frequentlyuntil the broth is absorbed. Steam withthe medium heat for 30 minutes untilcooked. Lift.2. Enter the soy sauce, oyster sauce, andsugar. Stir well and set aside.3. Stir the ingredients of eggs, fried eggsin a pan, then roll, and cut into pieces.4. Take 80 grams of rice. Lump and flatten.Put a piece of egg and prepare the cob,cucumbers, and slice garlic. Lumps andmakes into triangular shape.5. Bake on non-sticky pan until browned.Place the nori and fold it.6. Your Onigiri is ready to serve.what ingredient is needed to make the content​


egg, cob, cucumbers and slice garlic

8. SUPPLEMENTS FACTS_________________________Serving size: 1 tabletServings per container: 30_________________________ Amount of serving % Daily valueVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mgCitrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg Rutin* 25 mg Hesperidin* 25 mg Rose hips* 125 mg Acerola* 5 mg _________________________*Daily value not establishedSuggested use: 1 tablet after meal_________________________This product contains no artificial colours, flavours, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten. 16. By reading the text, the users of the product will get the info ….. A. the importance of the product for the bodyB. the nutritional content of the productC. the procedure of using the productD. the main substance of the product17. The product is considered safe because it contains …. A. healthy productB. a lot of vitaminsC. no artificial substancesD. all substances needed by the body18. This product contains no artificial …”The word “artificial” in the sentence is closest in meaning to … A. pureB. originalC. non naturalD. inexpensiveMy Favourite Novel I love reading very much. I have a lot of books but my favourite ones are a series of novels. They are novels about a magical world and dragons. Those are the themes that I like so much, a mythical world. The novels actually were birthday presents from my sister. She bought them last year when she went to England to finish her research. She knew that I will like them so much. The series of novels that I mean consist of four novels. Each of it contains 500 to 600 pages so it is thick. The novel is in English. The appearance of the novels is attractive. The covers are made of leather. It is good quality leather so it will not be torn easily. The colour of the leather is different for each book, there are brown, light brown, yellow, and red leather. The title of each book is written on the left side and on the front side of the novel. There is also a box specially designed to keep all the novels. This box is covered by green leather. It is very beautiful ( source : http://www.wordcliff.com/2017/05/contoh-descriptive-text-tentang-buku.html )19. What is the text about? A. The Writer’s hobbyB. Novel about mythical worldC. Memorable birthday presentsD. The Writer’s favourite books20. To distinguish one novel to another in one series, … is different. A. the colour of the novelB. the content of the storyC. the location of the titleD. the material to cover the novel21. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? A. The novels are thickB. The novel covers are attractiveC. The novels are colourful and attractiveD. The physical appearance of the novels is gorgeous22. The writer loves mythical world genre … A. when she got the novel form her sisterB. therefore, the story of a magical world and dragons attract him so muchC. so the sister bought the novel about magical world and dragon in EnglandD. Because the novel that her sister gave is about dragonLavender is an herb native to countries bordering the Mediterranean. Lavender species are common in herb gardens for their fragrant leaves and attractive flowers. The plants are widely cultivated for their essential oils, which are used to scent a variety of products. The dried flowers, for example, have long been used in sachets to scent chests and closets, and the ancient Romans used lavender in their baths. Lavender is best planted in the spring as the soil is warming up. If planted in the fall, use bigger plants to ensure survival over the winter. We have to plant lavender 2 to 3 feet apart. It thrives in any poor fertile soil but, keep away from wet, moist areas.Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach. A study in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine published that lavender has an acceleratory effect on wound healing. Research from 1998 also shows that lavender can promote hair growth after 7 months of treatment. Adapted from: https://www.britannica.com/plant/lavender. 23. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text? A. To tell readers the use of Lavender.B. To explain readers how to plant Lavender.C. To introduce Lavender plant as an herb.D. To persuade readers to use Lavender as a medication24. The main idea of the third paragraph is that Lavender... A. can promote hair growthB. can be consumed as a teaC. can be used to cure severe diseasesD. has some benefits for human’s health25. Lavender is well-planted in... A. the winterB. in the fallC. the springD. a rainy season​

16 B
17 C
18 C
19 D
20 A
21 D
22 C
23 C
24 B
25 B
Maaf kalo ada yang salah

9. For questions 34-35, read the following label carefullySUPPLEMENT FACTSServing size: 1 tabletServing per container : 30Amount of serving% Daily value416,67250 mg17, 14Vitamin C(as nonacidic,calcium ascorbate)Calcium (as carbonate)Citrus bioflavonoidRutinHesperidinRose HipsAcerola50 mg50 mg25 mg25 mg125 mg5 mgDaily value not establishedSuggested use : 1 tablet after mealThis product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemicalsolvent, starch or gluten34. What is the purpose of the text?a. To advertise a supplement for womanb. to describe a product for adultc. to give detailed information about the supplementd. to tell the value of a supplement35. "This product contains no artificial..."The word "artificial in the sentence means...a. originalb. purec. unnaturald. inexpensive​


34. C

35. C


semoga membantu maaf kalo salah baru kelas 7

10. this mango smoothie toutes great is low in and will give you are inter Cave da tedring is for all occasions. Appreciate our Mango SmoothieHer a large nipe mango in half an horizontal and vertical lines across ench of the necesin e grid effect Tentameskin inside out to reveal equal mized chuoks. Shce these chunks of the skin with the knite Afters, 25milititres of yogurt and 150 miltres of milk into a blender Next add the margo, tortowed by veb Put the onArmly, and blend und the mixture is smooth, or the consistency you deure of the smoothie toond 12banana and blend again. This will also make it sweeter. Finally, pour into a glan, dap in a couple of sew and serve21. What is the goal of the text above?A. Mango thaiB. Mango juiceC. Mango smoothieD. Mango syrupD.22. What should you do after cutting horizontal and vertical lines across each of the pieceA. slice the chunks off the skin with a knifeB. add the mango, followed by 8 ice cubesC. blend the mixture until it becomes smoothturn the skin inside out to reveal chunks23. How many millilitres of yogurt do you need?A. 150B. 170C. 200D. 25024. What should you do if the mixture is too thin?A. Add sugar and blend againB. Add banana and blend againC. Add more mango and blend againD. Add the mango and 8 ice cubes25. This will also make it sweeter.The underlined word refers to...A. MangoB. BananaC. SugarD. Ice cubes​


21. C

22. A

23. A

24. B

25. B


Semoga membantu:)

11. Read the following text to answer questions number 6 and 7 SUPPLEMENTS FACTS Serving Size: 1 tablet Servings per container: 30 Amount of serving % Dally value 250 mg 416,67 mg Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) Citrus bioflavonoid 50 mg 7,14 mg 50 mg Rutin" 25 mg Hesperidin 25 mg Rose hips 125 mg Acerola 5 mg Daily value not established Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten 6. What is the purpose of the text? A To advertise a supplement for woman B. To describe a product for adult C. To give detailed information about the supplement D. To tell the value of a supplement 7. This product contains no artificial... The word "artificial in the sentence means.... A Original B. Pure C. Unnatural D. Inexpensive


1. C. To give detailed information about the supplement ( Untuk memberikan informasi rinci tentang suplemen )

2. B. Pure

Maaf kalau salah

12. Read the following text to answer questionsnumber 10 and 11.SUPPLEMENTS FACTSServing size i tabletServings per container 30Amount of serving % Dally value416,67 mgVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate)250 mg50 mg7,14 mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate)Citrus bioflavonoid50 mgRutin*25 mgHesperidin*25 mg125 mgRose hips*Acerola*5 mgDaily value no establis nedSuggested use: 1 tablet after mealThis arodactcontains no artificial coloro, navors, preservatives, milk, ega.bunar. chemicalsolvent starch or gluten10. What is the purpose of the text?a. To advertise a supplement for womanb. To inform the detail of the supplementc. To describe a product for adultd. To tell the value of supplement11. “This product contains no artificial ..."The word "artificial” in the sentence means ....a. naturalC.. unnaturalb. anOriginal d. Inexpensivetlg bantu djawab!!​


10.B.To Inform the detail of the supplement



Maaf Kalo Salah

13. Read this label and answer the questions for number 4 and 5.SUPPLEMENTS FACTSServing size: 1 tabletServings per container: 30Amount of serving % Daily valueVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg416,67 mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate)50 mg7.14 mgCitrus bioflavonoid"50 mgRutin*25 mgHesperidin"25 mgRose hips*125 mgAcerola5 mg*Daily value not establishedSuggested use: 1 tablet arter meatThis product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, ego.sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten...4. What is the purpose of the text?5. The product contains no artificial, the word artificial in sentence means​


1. to give information about suplemen facts

2. artificial means man-made or produced by human.

14. 1. 3/5 of a number is 30 40% of number is2.in a class of 40 pupils30% failed in a testhow many pupils passed in the test?3. multiply 7/48 by 24/704. 7/9×24=21/2+⬜the ⬜ stands for5. divide 5/6 by 36. the product of 5/87. 206×15=206×10+⬜the⬜stands for8. susy has $145 each,how much will she be left with?9. there are 13 boys and 19 girls in each row.how many children are there in 64 such rows10. what must be subtracted from the product of 250 and 25 to get 6000?

1. 40
2. 35 people
4.2 the atands for 51. 3/5 x n = 30
N= 50
40/100 x 50=10

2. 70% succeed
70/100 x 40 =28 pupils

3. 7/48 x 24/70 = 2/10 = 1/5

4. 7/9 x 24 = 21/2 + n
7/3 x 8 = 21/2 + n
56/3 = 21/2 + n
112/6 - 63/6 = n
49/6 = n

5. 5/6 : 3 = 5/6 x 1/3 = 5/18

6. 5/8 = 0,625

15. For questions 34-35, read the following label carefullySUPPLEMENT FACTSServing size1 tabletServing per container 30"Amount of serving% Daily value416,67250 mg7.14Vitamin C(as nonacidic,calcium ascorbate)Calcium (as carbonate)Citrus bioflavonoidRutinHesperidinRose HipsAcerola50 mg50 mg25 mg25 mg125 mg5 mgDaily value not establishedSuggested use : 1 tablet after mealThis product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemicalsolvent, starch or gluten34. What is the purpose of the text?a. To advertise a supplement for womanb. to describe a product for adultc. to give detailed information about the supplementd. to tell the value of a supplement35. "This product contains no artificial...The word "artificial" in the sentence meansa. originalb. purec. unnaturald. inexpensive​


34. c. To give detailed information about the supplement

34. c. unnatural

semoga membantu^^

16. Service size : 1 tabletServing per container : 30% Daily value416,677,14Vitamin C (as non acidic, calcium ascorbate)Calcium (as carbonate)Citrus bioflavonoidRutinHesperidinRose HipsAcerolaAmount of serving250 mg50 mg50 mg25 mg25 mg125 mg5 mgDaily value not establishedSuggested use: 1 tablet after mealThis product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemicalsolvent, starch or glutenThe following label is for number 6-10ASTHMA POWDER.(HPC)Hu tea spoonfa! or more to be burnt and theembad0 hour required andatbed time for Asthma y For CarthColdsteC. OHARNLEY, Dispensing Chemist,THE GROVE PHARMACYIL101WILMOLOW E 861. What is the purpose of the text?a. To advertise a supplement for womanb. To describe a product for adultc. To give detailed information about thesupplementd. To tell the value of a supplement2. “This product contains no artificial ...."The word "artificial" in the sentence means ....a. originalb. purec. unnaturald. inexpensive3. How many tablet are suggested to beeaten?a 1c. 3b. 2d. 44. The product contains of things below,except..a milkb. eggc. artificial colorsd. sugar5.This product contains no artificial colors,flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar,chemical solvent, starch or gluten.This product refers toa hesperidinc c. acerolab. supplement d. calcium6. What symptom can be cured by theproduct above?a Asthma c. Ulcerb. Ebolad TBC7. What is the measurement of serving of thisproduct above?a. 1 teaspoonb. 1/2 teaspoonc. 3/4 teaspoond. 2/5 teaspoon8.What is the address of the product above?a. Wilmslowb Salemc. New Yorkd. Cleveland9. What kind of text is that?a. Labelb. Shopping Listc Narratived Discussion10.what is the function of the text above? a. to amuse the readerb. to retell the past eventsc. to describe a certain produtcd. to discuss a controversial thing​

C, C, A, C

Maaf saya tau nya cuman 1-4 karena yang lain malas

17. 4Read the text and answer those questions ! MIXED ICE (ES CAMPUR) • (1 serving) Ingredients: • ½ of avocado • 3 tbs. of condensed milk • 1 can of coconut water and coconut shavings • some ice cubes How to make it: • Cut the avocado into small pieces. • Put ice cubes into the glass. • Fill half of the glass with some coconut water and coconut shavings. • Add the sliced avocado. • Add the condensed milk on the top of avocado. • MIXED ICE is ready to be served. What is the text tell you about ?(4 Poin)a. how to make Mixed Iceb. how to mix the icec. about an avocadod. How to blend Mixed Ice5You need the following things to make Mixed Ice, EXCEPT ….(4 Poin)a. Avocadob. Ice cubesc. Condensed milkd. Sugar6How much coconut water and coconut shavings do you need?(4 Poin)a. 1 glassb. ½ glassc. 1 cand. ¼ glass7How many servings can you get form the recipe?(4 Poin)a. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. Four8You need 3 tbs of condensed milk. The word "tbs"is the abbreviation of ….(4 Poin)a. Spoonb. Teaspoonc. Tablespoond. cup9Uses • Temporarily relives nasal congestion due to the common cold, hay fever or other upper respiratory allergies, or associated with sinusitis • Temporarily relieves these symptoms due to hay fever (allergic rhinitis): - runny nose - sneezing - itching of the nose or throat - itchy, watery eyes • Temporarily restores freer breathing through the nose Directions Do not take more than 4 doses in any 24- hour period Age Dose adults and children over 12 years 4 tsp every 4 hours Children 6 to under 12 years 2 tsp every 4 hours Children under 6 years ask a doctor From the label above we know that ....(4 Poin)a. This medicine is only for adultb. This medicine is in the form of syrupc. Stomachache can be cured with this medicined. Children under 12 cannot take this medicine10Who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine?(4 Poin)a. Adultb. Children under 6 yearsc. Children 12 years and overd. Children 6 to under 12 years11SUPPLEMENTS FACTS _________________________ Serving size: 1 tablet Servings per container: 30 _________________________ Amount of serving % Daily value Vitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mg Calcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mg Citrus bioflavonoid* 50 mg Rutin* 25 mg Hesperidin* 25 mg Rose hips* 125 mg Acerola* 5 mg _________________________ *Daily value not established Suggested use: 1 tablet after meal _________________________ This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten. What is the purpose of the text?(4 Poin)a. To advertise a supplement for womanb . To describe a product for adultc. To give detailed information about the supplementd. To tell the value of a supplement12“Ingredients: sugar, cashew, milk solids…etc.” The word ingredients mean: …. needed to make something.(4 Poin)a. The stepsb. The goalsC. The materialsD. The methods13Gina : Hi, Jean. How are you doing? Jean : Bad. Gina : What's wrong? Jean : My father got sick. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get medical care. Gina : What happened to him? Jean : He got cancer. Gina : I'm sorry to hear that. But you still go to school? Jean : Yea, my mom told me that I have to go to school. She is in the hospital to accompany my dad. Gina : I ............... (13) your dad will get better soon. Jean: Yea, ........................ (14)(4 Poin)a. congratulateb. talkc. hoped. try14Gina : Hi, Jean. How are you doing? Jean : Bad. Gina : What's wrong? Jean : My father got sick. He has to stay in the hospital for a few days to get medical care. Gina : What happened to him? Jean : He got cancer. Gina : I'm sorry to hear that. But you still go to school? Jean : Yea, my mom told me that I have to go to school. She is in the hospital to accompany my dad. Gina : I ..................... (13) your dad will get better soon. Jean: Yea, ..................... (14)(4 Poin)a. I doubtb. I hope soc. I don't think sod. No comment15Dita : Congratulation on your achievement Dety Dety : .....(4 Poin)a.Excellentb. Good for youc. How nice of you to say sod. nice job16The correct expression to express congratulation someone is ….(4 Poin)a.. Have a great school day my friendb. Have a nice trip!c. What a wonderful birthdayd. Congratulation on your graduation. I am happy for you17Dika : I won the competition yesterday Hendri : Really? That's very great. Please accept my warmest congratulations Dika : ..... Hendri : You are welcome(4 Poin)a. Thanks for saying sob. I hope you say soc. Oh, don't mention itd. That's very great(4 Poin)a. Pachycereus pringleb. Blassfeidia liliputianac. Carmegiea gigantiad. Cactaceae​


4. a. how to make Mixed Ice

5. d. Sugar

6. c. 1 can

7. a. One

8. c. Tablespoon

9. b. This medicine is in the form of syrup

10. b. Children under 6 years

11. c. To give detailed information about the supplement

12. C. The materials

13. c. hope

14. b. i hope so

15. c. How nice of you to say so

16. d. Congratulation on your graduation. I am happy for you

17. a. Thanks for saying so

18. Polar Bear The polar bears,which are usually called whitebears,are found on the sea ice of the Arctic Circlethroughout the North Polar basin. They are classifiedas Ursus maritimus. They live for about 25 to 30 years.They are now endangered because of habitatdestruction.Polar bears have white fur which may yellow in the summer. Their bodies arelonger than other bears and streamlined for aquatic life. The females grow up to 1.8 m (6ft) long; males grow up to 2 m (7 ft) long. Most male polar bears weigh an average ofabout 350 kg (about 880 lb), and most females weigh about 250 kg (550 lb). They have theplantigrade feet (heel and sole touching the ground, withfive sharp, curved claws oneach foot for grasping the ice and holding its prey. Long hair between the pads protects the bear's feet from the cold and provides grip on the ice. Stiff hairs on the forelegs, andvery broad front feet, help the bear swim.Polar bears have a strong navigational sense and an extremely good sense ofsmell, and they are unusually clever at solving problems in order to obtain food. Sincethey are carnivores; they eat primarily ringed seals, and occasionally bearded seals,walruses, or white whales. They also feed on berries, sedges, mussels, and kelp.They live in pack ice where water is accessible. They can be found throughoutArctic regions.Except during the breeding season, male polar bears are solitary and roam overvast expanses of sea ice while hunting. During the breeding season (May to June), themales fight furiously over females. Both the male and female may mate with otherindividuals as well. The female typically gives birth to two cubs after a four-to five-month gestation period. Cubs remain with the mother for about 28 months, oftennursing the entire time. The young are very small when born: about 1 kg (about 2 lb).Their eyes remain closed for about 40 days and they must nurse every few hours. The mother holds them close to keep them warm.1.where do polar bears live?2.how long is their life span?3.how do they look like in summer?4.what are the diffrences betweer male and female?5.plentigrade means?6.what is the adventage of their long hair?7.what is the adventage of their stiff hair?8.what do they eat?

1. They live in the sea ice of the Arctic Circlethroughout the North Polar Basin.

2. They life about 25 to 30 years.

3. They have white fur which may yellow.

4. The females bears grow up to 1.8 m (6ft) long, Males bears grow up to 2 m (7ft) long. Most males polar bears weigh about an average of about 350 kg (880lb), and most females weigh about 250 (550lb).

5. Heel and soul touching the ground, withfive sharp, curved claws, oneach foot for grasping the ice and holding  its prey.

6. Long hair between the pads protects.

7. Stiff hairs on the forelegs, andvery broad front feet, help the bear swim.

8. They eat primarily ringed seals, and occasionally bearded seals walruses or white whales, they also feed on berries, sedges, mussles, and kelp.

19. SUPPLEMENTS FACTS_________________________Serving size: 1 tabletServings per container: 30_________________________Amount of serving % Daily valueVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg 416,67 mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate) 50 mg 7,14 mgCitrus bioflavonoid* 50 mgRutin* 25 mgHesperidin* 25 mgRose hips* 125 mgAcerola* 5 mg_________________________*Daily value not establishedSuggested use: 1 tablet after meal_________________________This product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar, chemical solvent, starch or gluten.14. What is the purpose of the text? A. To advertise a supplement for woman B. To describe a product for adult C. To give detailed information about the supplement D. To tell the value of a supplement​


C.to give detailed information about the supplement


sorry if it was wrong/ maaf klo salah

20. 13 "Your achievement proves you are the best! The word 'achievement is closest in meaningA. Accomplishment b.Intelligence C. Ability D. Skill14. Read the following text to answer questions number 14-15SUPPLEMENTS FACTSServing Size 1 tabletServings per container: 30Amount of serving Daily valueVitamin C (as non acidic calcium ascorbate) 250 mg416,67 mgCalcium (as calcium ascorbate)50 mg 7,14 mgCitrus bioflavonoid 50 mgRutin25 mgHesperidin"25 mgRose hips*125 mgAcerola*5 mg*Daily value not establishedSuggested use: 1 tablet after mealThis product contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, milk, egg, sugar,chemical solvent, starch or glutenThis product contains no artificial ... The word "artificial in the sentence meansA Original B. Unnatural C. PureD. Inexpensive15. "What substance does the food contain mostly?A Vitamin A B. Vitamin c.Calcium D. Rose hips​




15.B.Vitamin C

Fyi : Mohon kalo mau buat soal kayak gini mending pakai foto soalnya jadi agak rumit

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